Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good morning Paris, good afternoon Provence!

We awoke on Saturday morning, rested and restless, in anticipation of the love of our lives, Provence!

Growling stomachs let us know that some kind of breakfast should be the first order of the day, so we exited Hotel Studia with a coffee and croissant kind of mind. The Hotel does offer breakfast, but we really enjoy grabbing our morning repast at local boulangeries.

Now, if you've never been to Europe, then you don't know the pleasures of a european breakfast. We Americans have our bacon and eggs or our flapjacks and maple syrup, of which neither I am a fan. In NYC it's a bagel and lox. I'm not saying that other continents don't have their own special way to start the day (I have some pretty good memories of breakfast in southeast asia), but DH and I hold a special place in our hearts for the culture of the cafe. Trying to find a good croissant and good cafe in NYC is an adventure. Here in Paris, you usually only have to sneeze and you find THE STUFF.

Quelle suprise! Not only is there a decent boulangerie/cafe downstairs, but there is also a little market in full swing...everything from fresh fish, flowers, and cheeses, to pastries, scarves and tableclothes. While Brendan ordered us two cafes and croissant for himself, I took a quick run of the market. Aside from the market, there were a bunch of permanent shops open daily, and I paid a visit to the fromagerie...where I purchased a little pot of yogurt flavored with mixed berries for my perfect breakfast.

And right next to the fromagerie, a patisserie with loads of goodies on hand. But what caught my eye were the macarons!

To fill you in on my mind set, my friend Cynthia and I have developed a certain obsession with french macarons. In NYC, we have sampled the macarons of Fauchon and Bouchon and made one attempt at Bouley (they were sold out when we got there). So I have a mission to taste them in France!

Of course I have to buy a few to sample. How decadent to eat macarons for breakfast!? I purchased one each of coco, chocolat, noisette and pistache. I was like one of those little old ladies that save their teabags as I took one bite of each and saved the rest for later...since I don't know the next time I'd encounter the magic macarons.

Cafe, croissant, yogurt and macarons lining our stomach, we still have a few hours to enjoy before we take the TGV to Avignon.

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